Lake Tele


The Télé- Lake is a very shallow almost circular lake ( about 6 km long and 5 km wide ) in the northern part of the Republic of Congo. Its area is about 23 km ² and the volume of water approximately 71 million cubic meters. It drains through the Likouala -aux- herbes to the Congo. The lake is possibly caused by a meteorite impact. This assumption is based on a detected magnetic anomaly beneath the northern half of the lake.

Mokele Mbembe -

Around the lake is shrouded in many myths, including the legend of Mokele Mbembe -, a reptile, in which it is to be a sauropodenähnliches animal and could have survived only in this lake.

This myth is also the book by Thomas Thiemeyer Reptilia from the year 2005. Moreover deal exists with the book Congo fever of the English author Redmond O'Hanlon, a travelogue about an expedition to the Lac Télé.
