Lamella (mycology)

As blades is called a stand occurring in fungi, spore -bearing structure, the hymenium ( = layer, in which the fruit cells are located). The lamellige hymenium is located on the bottom of the hat. Other non lamellige structures in fungi are: spines ( hedgehog mushrooms ), bars ( chanterelle -like ), tubes ( Dickröhrlingsartige ) or pores ( Stielporlinge ).

Another word for slats called leaves. So a group of typical lamella -bearing fungi is also called agarics.

Wherein the sheets or the form of the slats fungi fruit layer on the Hutunterseite more or less close fitting formed sheet-like. The slats may be unbranched radial, branched or cross-links ( = anastomoses ) be equipped. The surface of the lamella is covered with cells ( basidia ), on the outside of the spores are developed.

Taxonomic significance

Both the color, the shape and the type of attachment of the blades to the handle are characteristic features, which helps to determine a large fungus macroscopically.


In some fungi, the lamellae have a typical color, which are discolored by the secondary maturing spores. Thus, for example, the hair color of the fog Lingen lamella often purple. Only later they are rust colored brown by the spores.


The following figures describe the main forms of expression slats. However, the transitions between the shapes are not uncommon.

  • Forked
  • Branched
  • With anastomotic
  • With Lamellulae
  • Dense, crowded
  • Far

Type of attachment to the stem

Another important feature is the attachment to the handle. In addition to the properties shown below, there are the forms bulbous, rounded, corrugated, perforated, cut, almost free, with Collar ...

  • Free
  • Adnexal or attached
  • Adnat or grown
  • Cleaved
  • Emarginat or bulged
  • Decurrent sinuat or tooth
  • Subdecurrent
  • Decurrent or decurrent

Free: Slats not reach the stem. For example, typical of mushrooms Agaricus and Amanita Scheidl Inge. almost free: between free and adnexal adnexal: lamellae have grown less than half their broadside on a stick adnat: lamellae have grown to more than half of their broadside on a stick emarginat: The attachment point of a blade on a stick looks like as if a part of it broken or bitten out decurrent: Louvres run a kürzers or longer piece on the stem down. For example, typical funnel -forms for the genus Clitocybe.


  • Marcel Bon: Pareys book of mushrooms. Updated edition. Kosmos, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-440-09970-9.
  • Ronald Rayner: Mushrooms recognize easily made ​​. Franckh, Stuttgart 1979, ISBN 3-440-04748-2.
  • Morphology (fungus)