Large black flying squirrel

Black Flying Squirrel ( Aeromys tephromelas )

The Black Flying Squirrel ( Aeromys ) are a genus of flying squirrels, which is common in Southeast Asia. Two species have been described:

  • Black Flying Squirrel, Aeromys tephromelas ( Günther 1873), Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo
  • Thomas flying squirrel, Aeromys thomasi ( Pant 1900), Borneo

The species differ in size considerably: The Black Flying Squirrel has a body length of 30 cm plus 30 cm tail. The Thomas flying squirrel measures 40 cm, added 50 inch cock. The coat is on the upper side is dark brown or black and greyish brown.

Black flying squirrels inhabit tropical rain forests. At night they are in the treetops go and search for nuts, fruits and leaves.
