Lars Hedegaard

Lars Hedegaard ( Jensen ) (* 1942 in Horsens in Aarhus ) is a Danish historian, journalist and author.

Until 1982 he was a member of Socialistisk Arbejderparti. In the late 1980s he was editor of the left-liberal daily Dagbladet Information, later he was a columnist for the conservative daily Berlingske Tidende. Today he uses Marxist social analysis. In 2004 he founded, as a counterpoint to the Danish PEN, the Trykkefrihedsselskabet ( Society for Freedom of the Press ).

He criticized that the frequently banned organization Hizb ut- Tahrir, which called for armed resistance against Scandinavian soldiers in Afghanistan, among other things, can continue to develop freely in Denmark. After Hedegaard believes that the majority of imams in Denmark represent Islam as an ideology that is comparable to communism and Nazism. He also stood behind the Muhammad cartoons published in 2005.

After he had led an informal discussion with two journalists in December 2009, and this was on the net the next day in the original sound, he was the Head of the Documentation rådgivningscenteret og Niels -Erik Hansen displayed for sedition. In April 2012, he was acquitted at the Supreme Court, because the conversation was not intended for publication.

On 5 February 2013, a man dressed as a postman southern committed an attempt to assassinate him, he scored once on Hedegaard, but missed him. The culprit managed to escape undetected.


  • Fundamental history Alfabetisk opslagsbog (GEC Gad, 1973) ( Alphabetical reference )
  • Fra krig til krig. Tides 1914-45 (GEC Gad, 1974) ( From war to war. Term 1914-1945 )
  • The amerikanske Fred. Tides 1945-62 (GEC Gad, 1975) ( The American peace. Between 1945 and 1962)
  • Production og Samfund: Danmarks og historie North ( Gad, 1978) (production and society: Danish and Scandinavian history )
  • The permanent crisis. Tides 1962-79 ( Gad, 1979) ( The permanent crisis. Term 1962-1979 )
  • Crisis og opbrud: tiden 1945-84 ( Gjellerup & Gad, 1984) ( crisis and upheavals of the period from 1945 to 1984)