Last (unit)

1 Load = 4,000 lbs = 2000 kg = 2 tons

It had been in the Middle Ages more a measure of space in the eye as a measure of weight. The glider of the Middle Ages often transported grain and herring. Due to the different capacity of the bulk material and grain of the packaged in barrels herring herring put you 100 loads equal to 80 grain loads. Later, other product-specific loads such as salt load and regional peculiarities as Bremer load, Pomeranian load, load Baltic Sea, Berlin load Prussian load, normal load and Commerz load with different metric equivalencies created.


The load was in Lübeck a unit of area, and a so-called Aussaatmaß. The area was determined by a fixed amount of seed. The inaccuracy of the affected farmland.
