Leistus ferrugineus

Usually beard runner ( Leistus ferrugineus )

The Ordinary beard runner or rust -colored beard beetle ( Leistus ferrugineus ) is a beetle of the family of ground beetles ( Carabidae ).

  • 3.1 Literature


The beetles reach a body length of 5.5 to 7 millimeters. Your body is colored entirely reddish yellow, the head, the heart-shaped pronotum and sometimes the area around the Schildchenregion are slightly darker than the rest of the body. The antennae and legs are somewhat lighter colored. The wing covers ( elytra ) are oval shaped and bear longitudinal grooves. The pronotum is slightly narrower than that of the Black -headed beard runner ( Leistus terminatus ), which is also distinguished by the black-colored head well from the ordinary beard runner.

Similar Species

  • Black-headed beard runner ( Leistus terminatus )

Occurrence and life

The animals come in Europe, east through the Caucasus to Siberia. Also in the British Isles and Ireland and in the north they are common, however, they are missing in southern and south-western Europe. The beetles live in hot and sandy places, but also on loamy- sandy soils and moist wastelands such as in forests, fields, meadows and steppes, and in gardens, from the plains to high positions. They are found on dead plants and shrubs, they are not rare. Mating takes place in autumn.

