Lennart Poettering

Lennart Poettering is a German free- software developer, known for the design of the PulseAudio sound cross-platform middleware, systemd, a replacement for the System V init daemon, and the Avahi zeroconf implementation.


Lennart Poettering was born in Guatemala City and grew up in Rio de Janeiro and Hamburg. Poettering studied computer science at the University of Hamburg.


He is currently employed at Red Hat and is working on technologies for the Linux desktop. Poettering is the initiator, developer and maintainer of some important free software projects; In 2004 he began the development of PulseAudio as a cross-platform sound middleware to 2005 with Avahi and 2010 with systemd. Poettering is known for not flinching before controversial design decisions, in 2011, for example, he defended the Inkompatibelwerden of Linux with BSD operating systems by systemd. He also pleaded GUADEC 2012, a GNOME developer conference, for a unification of the Linux desktop by a departure from distribution-specific solutions.
