Léon Mugesera

Léon Mugesera (* 1952) is a Rwandan politician and suspected war criminals.


Mugesera was before the start of the genocide in Rwanda a leader of the Mouvement national pour la républicain démocratie et le développement ( MRND ). In an address to the MRND members on 22 November 1992, he called the first high politicians publicly on the murder of the Tutsi and opposition Hutu. Subsequently, he was charged with sedition. 1993, one year before the genocide, Mugesera fled to Canada.

The Canadian authorities ordered him in 1996 to leave the country. Mugesera did not come by and referred to the dangers of torture and unfair trials in Rwanda. 2005, the decision was upheld by the Supreme Court of Canada. Requests the defense delayed the delivery date again and again until Mugesera finally deported on 23 January 2012.
