Leonard Paul Blair

Leonard Paul Blair ( born April 12, 1949 in Detroit ) is an American priest and Archbishop of Hartford.


The Archbishop of Detroit, John Francis Cardinal Dearden, ordained him a priest on 26 June 1976.

Pope John Paul II appointed him auxiliary bishop on 9 July 1999 in Detroit and Titular Bishop of Voncariana. The Archbishop of Detroit, Adam Joseph Cardinal Maida, donated to him on 24 August of the same year the episcopal ordination; Edmund Casimir Szoka were co-consecrators Cardinal, President of the Governorate of Vatican City, and Dale Joseph Melczek, Bishop of Gary. As a motto he chose PASCE Ove Mea.

On 7 October 2003 he was appointed bishop of Toledo, and introduced into the office on 4 December of the same year.

Pope Francis appointed Blair on October 29, 2013 Archbishop of Hartford; The inauguration took place on 16 December of the same year.
