Leopold Arends

Alexander Friedrich Leopold Arends (born 22 Novemberjul / December 4 1817greg in Rakishi (now Lithuania ). . † December 22, 1882 in Berlin) was a German stenographer and system inventor.


Leopold Arends was born on 1 December 1817 in Rakishi. He turned to the pharmacist profession and studied at the University of Dorpat ( now Tartu ) philosophy, history and linguistics. In 1841 he became a tutor Courland nobility family. 1844 Arends went to Berlin. When in 1848 the duchies of Schleswig -Holstein to Denmark collected Arends joined a student volunteer corps, in the following month, it has already been dissolved. In 1859 he was appointed to the faculty of the newly founded Berlin Artisans Association. Leopold Arends died on 22 December 1882 in Berlin.

Arends learned the shorthand mid-1840s know. He dealt immediately with the shorthand and brought in 1850 Anatomical Charts his own shorthand out a complete textbook first appeared in 1860.


In 1856 he married Maria in Berlin Auguste Gaillard, born Hintberg († 1897). The marriage remained childless.

The Arendssche shorthand

The Arendssche shorthand is one of the so-called self- loud writing shorthands, ie the vowels are not represented symbolically, but advertised. The consonants are mostly represented by straight expiring concessions. Furthermore, there is a symbolic representation of some Mitlautfolgen. A further development of the system was carried out by Heinrich Arend 's scooter.

The Arendssche shorthand has been applied to many foreign languages ​​, including the English, Latin, Spanish or Swedish.
