LeRoy Apker

LeRoy Apker ( born June 11, 1915 in Rochester (New York), † 1970) was an American experimental solid state physicist.

Apker studied at the University of Rochester with a bachelor 's degree in 1937 and his doctorate in Lee DuBridge 1941. Afterwards, he conducted research at General Electric in their research laboratories in Schenectady.

Apker examined the photoelectric effect of semiconductors and found in 1948 with EA Taft and Jean Dickey ( his wife ) that some semiconductors showed a metal different from comparable work function behavior ( the released electrons moving slower). Underscoring predictions by Edward Condon (1938 ) and Robert Andrews Millikan.

In studying the spectroscopic properties of alkali halide crystals, especially potassium iodide, he discovered 1950 E. Taft exciton -induced photoemission.

In vacuum technology, he invented 1948 Flash filament method for measuring very low pressures: gas adsorption was carried out for a certain time on a tungsten wire is measured by the pressure generated by the release of the adsorbed gas during sudden heating of the wire.

In 1955 he was awarded the Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize.

The LeRoy Apker Award of the American Physical Society is named after him. It is awarded annually to students ( undergraduates ) for outstanding performance and is worth $ 5,000.
