Liberty (Indiana)

Union County


Liberty is a city in the U.S. state of Indiana. Liberty is the county seat of Union County.

The ethnic composition at the 2000 census was 98.3 % White, 0.39 % African American, 0.29 % Native American, 0.19 % Asian American, and 0.44% Hispanic or Latino.

The age distribution is

  • 24.7% among 18 -year-olds,
  • 9.5 % from 18 to 24,
  • 26.2% 25-44,
  • 20.4% 45 to 64,
  • And 19.2 % over 64

The median was 37 years.

The median household income was $ 30,296 for family income at $ 35,817. The average per capita income was $ 15,440.

Sons and daughters

  • Ambrose Burnside, Civil War General
  • Walter F. Bossert (1885-1946), and Republicans in the 1920 Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan