Lilianne Ploumen

Lilianne Ploumen ( born July 12, 1962 in Maastricht ) is a Dutch politician of the Partij van de Arbeid. Ploumen is since 5 November 2012, the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation in the Cabinet Rutte II


From 1974 to 1980 attended the Ploumen Henrik van Veldeke College in Maastricht. She studied History at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and became a member of the party Groen Links. After completing her studies, she worked as a social worker in Rotterdam Crooswijk. From 1983, she worked for the Instituut voor Psychologically Marktonderzoek. From 1990, she was working for International plan; two years she worked in London from 1993 to 1995 for Plan International. She became director of the Fund Mama Cash 1996. In 2001, she left this organization and went to Catholic institution Cordaid in The Hague.

In 2003, she moved politically from Groen Links to PvdA; since 6 October 2007 was Ploumen their chairpersons. In January 2012, she resigned from her position as chair of what she had beginning of October 2011 announced a surprise. Her successor was Hans Spekman.
