Lilium nepalense

Lilium nepalense

Lilium nepalense is a species in the genus of lilies ( Lilium) in the Asian section.


Lilium nepalense reaches a height of 40 cm to 120 cm. The bulbs are wide, round and reach a diameter of about 2 cm, they are covered with white, lanceolate scales, forming stolons from. The stalk is papillose, the leaves lanceolate, between 5 cm and 10 cm long and two to three inches wide. You are tacky, five annoying, papillose at the edge and spread around the stem.

The plant flowers from June to July, 1 to 15 in a single or up to five standing in a raceme, nodding, trumpet -shaped flowers that smell strongly uncomfortable after indole. The hermaphrodite flowers are triple. The six arranged bloom ( tepals ) are backwards and rolled 6 cm to 13 cm long and 1.6 to 2 cm wide. The basic color of the flowers is pale greenish or lemon yellow, rarely orange - yellow, almost always usually traversed the throat towards purple. The anthers are 8 mm to 25 mm long and brown with brown pollen and the filaments are 5 cm to 5.5 cm long and sticky. The nectaries are smooth. The ovary (ovary ) is cylindrical, the stylus is four to five inches tall and the stigma is swollen with a diameter of about four mm. The seed ripens in seed capsules and germinates instant- epigeal.


Lilium nepalense needs a moist, loamy soil, preferably with a shaded base and a sunny state for the flowers. The species is often found in hedges, mixed woods or slopes at altitudes between 2600 m and 2900 m above sea level, rarely as early as 2100 m above sea level.

The style is as the name suggests, especially throughout Nepal at home, they can also be found in Bhutan, northern India, Myanmar and Sikkim, in the People's Republic of China, it is found in the south of Xizang and the southeast and west of Yunnan.


There are three varieties:

  • Nepalense L. var nepalense
  • L. concolor var nepalense: The flowers are single-colored lime- yellow, without purple throat. The variety is widespread in Assam.
  • Nepalense L. var robustum: The flowers are emerald - green with purple throat and smell pleasant. The variety is in all the details larger than the nominate.

