Line chart

A line chart (also graph ) is the graph of the functional relationship between two ( in 2D mode ) or three ( in 3D view ) features in line shape. In contrast to the scatter plot there can be only one pair of values ​​or values ​​Trio respectively.

When measured at a sufficiently large number of measurement data points are collected, the points can be connected via a line. In strongly scattering points you will use to routes; in law a recognizable continuously curved balancing representation in physics and engineering is the better choice. This form may allow conclusions on a suitable function for the mathematical description of legality. Depending on the background knowledge ( expectations of the course ) or personal evaluation ( individual data points as outliers ) may well vary the line.

Conversely, points of a well known formula is calculated, and the mathematical relationship can be illustrated by a continuous line. In this illustration, one also speaks of a function graph.

There are uniform unambiguous and clear graphical representation of functional relationships in science and technology specifications in DIN 461

Most of the Cartesian coordinate system is used, but also curvilinear coordinate systems are used, such as speedometer disc for truck or horizontal antenna diagram.
