Lingga Island

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Lingga ( Indonesian Pulau Lingga ) belongs to the Indonesian Lingga Islands off the east coast of Sumatra in the Malay Archipelago.


Lingga is located south of Bintan and north of the neighboring island Singkep, at the southern end of the South China Sea and just south of the equator.

The island's capital is Daik in the south. Other places are Kado and Pelandok on the south coast and Linau and Centeng on the north coast.

The island has an area of ​​889.2 km ², the highest peak is Gunung Lingga with 1163 m, the Gunung Sepinan reaches 750 m.

In a bay on the north coast of the small island Alut is. To the north, a flock of small islands, including Bakung Besar and Sebangka pulls. To the east lies Kongka Besar, in the south, on half way to Singkep, Selayar.


Ferries leave from Jago and Dabo (both on Singkep ) to Daik.


  • Island (Asia)
  • Island (Indonesia)
  • Island ( South China Sea )
  • Kepulauan Riau