Lini Söhnchen

Karoline ' Lini ' son ( born May 13, 1897 in Witten; † 20th century or 21st century) was a German water jumper, multiple German champion, European silver medalist and Olympian.

You always competed in the Olympic discipline springboard diving championships at the three- meter board. Eight times she was German Champion (Neptune Osnabrück 1921 and 1922 as well as ABTS Bremen in 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928 and 1929). 1927 occupied Lini son in Bologna at the European Swimming Championships in second place. In 1928 the water jumper at the Olympic Summer Games in Amsterdam and finished sixth in their discipline. The water jumper competed for the swimming club Neptune Osnabrück and subsequently used for the swimming club ABTS Bremen.
