List of emperors of the Han dynasty

The emperor of the Han dynasty ruled the Chinese Empire from 206 BC to 220 AD ( with an interruption from AD 9 to 23).

The two phases of the Han Dynasty are labeled according to the respective capital as Western and Eastern Han Dynasty. The Western Han Dynasty, with its capital at Chang'an 207 BC by Liu Bang founded and 8 AD by Wang Mang finished, who proclaimed the short-lived Xin Dynasty. His reign broke 23 AD together under general uprisings.

After a brief interregnum of Liu Xuan, who reigned as Emperor Gengshi of Han (23-25), Liu Xiu founded the Eastern Han Dynasty in 25. Their capital was Luoyang in the east of the empire. Under the Emperor Ling sprung up everywhere in the kingdom of uprisings that attempted to suppress by awarding large autonomy to the princes of the emperor. Thus, the central government fell into disrepair. The last Han Emperor Xian was just a puppet. With his deposition (220 ) began in China during the Three Kingdoms.

Notes on the columns:

  • The temple name is the name that carries the ancestral temple of the emperor. Not all emperors were given a temple name.
  • The posthumous title was awarded to the emperor after his death as a title of honor. This is also the more common name. The emperor therefore be named using the following convention: " Hàn " (name of the dynasty ) posthumous name " dì " ( " Emperor ").
  • The birth name of the Emperor, according to the Chinese customs in order of family name - kept nickname.
  • The era of Imperial China followed the announced by the Kaiser era. Thus the year " Jian'an 11 " corresponds to ( Emperor Xian of Han) after the Christian era to the year 207 of an era usually represented a prominent segment of the government of an emperor is, it can be regarded as a government motto.

List of emperors

GAO Zǔ (高祖), see note

(高 皇帝)


(汉 惠帝/汉 惠帝)

(刘 盈/刘 盈)

(前 少)

(刘 恭/刘 恭)

(后 少)



(汉 文帝/汉 文帝)


(汉 景帝/汉 景帝)


Zhong Yuan (中元, dynasty of the mid ') 149-143 BC

Hou Yuán (后 元/后 元, the first ruler ') 143-141 BC


(汉 武帝/汉 武帝)


Jiàn Yuán (建元, establishing the dynasty ') 140-135 BC

Yuán Guang (元 光, light Dynasty ' ) 134-129 BC

Yuán Shuo (元朔, the beginning of the dynasty ') 128-123 BC

Yuán Shou (元狩, first imperial travel ') 122-117 BC

Yuán Dǐng (元鼎, three-legged Dynasty ' ) 116-111 BC

Yuán Feng (元 封, seal of the dynasty ') 110-105 BC

Tài Chū (太初, top of the world ') 104-101 BC

Hàn Tian (天 汉/天 汉, Chinese sky ') 100-97 BC

Tài Shǐ (太 始, the highest initial ') 96-93 BC

Zheng He (征 和, set up unit ') 92-89 BC

Hou Yuán (后 元/后 元, descendants of the dynasty ') 88-87 BC


(刘 弗 陵/刘 弗 陵)

Yuán Shi (始 元, the beginning of the dynasty ') 86-80 BC

Yuán Feng (元 凤, Phoenix Dynasty ') 80-75 BC

Yuán Ping (元 平, peaceful Dynasty ' ) 74 BC

(昌邑 王)

(刘 贺/刘 贺)

(中 宗)

(汉 宣帝/汉 宣帝)

(刘 询/刘 询) or Liú Bìngyǐ

(刘 病 已/刘 病 已)

Ben Shǐ (本 始, the beginning of the foundation ') 73-70 BC

Dì Jie (地 节, connecting the country ') 69-66 BC

Yuán Kang (元 康, peaceful Dynasty ' ) 65-61 BC

Shen Jue (神爵, divine nobility ') 61-58 BC

Wu feng (五凤, five phoenixes ') 57-54 BC

Gan Lù (甘露, benefit from the rulers ') 53-50 BC

Huanglong (黄龙, yellow dragon ') in 49 BC

(汉 元帝/汉 元帝)

(刘 奭/刘 奭)

Chu Yuan (初 元, the beginning of the dynasty ') 48-44 BC

Yǒng Guang (永光, eternal light ') 43-39 BC

Jiàn Zhao (建 昭, set strength ') 38-34 BC

JING Ning (竟 宁, finally peace and quiet ') 33 BC

(汉 成帝/汉 成帝)

(刘 骜/刘 骜)

Jiàn Shǐ (建 始, set start ') 32-28 BC

He Ping (河 平, calm river ') 28-25 BC

Yáng Shuo (阳朔, brighter start ') 24-21 BC

Hóng Jia (鸿 嘉, wide salience ') 20-17 BC

Yǒng Shǐ (永 始, eternal beginning ') 16-13 BC

Yuán Yan (元 延, prolonged Dynasty ' ) 12-9 BC

Sui Hé (绥 和/绥 和peaceful harmony ') 8-7 BC

(汉 哀帝/汉 哀帝)


Jiàn Ping (建平, build peace ') 6-3 BC

Yuán Shou (元 寿/元 寿, durable Dynasty ' ) 2-1 BC

(汉 平 帝/汉 平 帝)

(刘 衎/刘 衎)


(刘 婴/刘 婴)

Jū She (居 摄/居 摂, take residence ' ) February 6 to October 8 Chū Shǐ (初始, initial start ') November 8 to January 9


Shǐ Guo Jian (始建 国/始建 国, the beginning of the creation of a new nation ') 9-13

Tian Feng (天 凤/天 凤, phoenix - sky ') 14-19

Di Huang (地 皇, Emperor of the land ') 20-23




(汉 光武帝)


Jiàn Wu (建武, building the armed forces ') 25-56

Jiàn Wu Zhong Yuan (建武 中元, warlike set up the dynasty of the mid- ') 56-58


(汉 明帝)



(汉 章帝)

(刘 炟)

Jiàn Chū (建 初, start of construction ') 76-84

Yuan He (Chinese元 和, dynasty in harmony ') 84-87

Zhang He (章和, Section of harmony ') 87-88


(汉 和帝)

(刘 肇)

Yǒng Yuán (永 元, eternal dynasty ') 89-105

Yuan Xing (元 兴/元 兴, blossoming of the dynasty ') 105-106

(汉 殇 帝)

(刘 隆)

(恭 宗)

(汉 安帝)

(刘 祜)

Yǒng Chū (永 初beginning of eternity ') 107-113

Yuán Chū (元初, the beginning of the dynasty ') 114-120

Yǒng Ning (永宁/永宁, eternal peace ') 120-121

Jiàn Guang (建 光, light composition ') 121-122

YAN Guang (延光, prolonged brightness ') 122-125

Marquis of Beǐ Xiang (北 乡侯)

(刘 懿)


(汉 顺帝)

(刘 保)

Yǒng Jiàn (永 建, construction of Eternity ') 126-132

Yáng Jia (阳 嘉, excellent sun ') 132-135

Yǒng Hé (永和, eternal peace ') 136-141

Hàn Ān (汉 安/汉 安, Hàn - peace ') 142-144

Jiàn Kang (建康, establishment of peace and quiet ') 144

(汉 冲 帝)


(汉 质 帝)

(刘 缵)

(咸 宗)

(汉 桓帝)


Jiàn Hé (建和, establish peace ') 147-149

He Ping (Chinese和平, peace ') 150

Yuan Jia (元嘉, outstanding Dynasty ' ) 151-153

Yǒng Xing (永兴/永兴eternal Efflorescence ) 153-154

Yǒng Shou (永 寿longevity ') 155-158

Yan Xī (延熹, prolonged heat ') 158-167

Yǒng Kang (永 康, eternal peace ') 167



Jiàn Ning (建宁/建宁, peaceful assembly ') 168-172

Xī Ping (熹平, quiet brightness ') 172-178

Guang Hé (光和, bright harmony ') 178-184

Zhōng Ping (中平, balancing the middle ') 184-189

Prince of Hong Nong (弘农 王)

(刘 辩)


(刘 协)

Zhao Ning (昭宁/昭宁, peaceful resistance ') 189

Yǒng Hàn (永汉/永汉, eternal Hàn ') 189

Chū Ping (初 平, the beginning of peace and tranquility ') 190-193

Xing Ping (兴平/兴平, blooming peace ') 194-195

Jiàn Ān (建安, establish peace ') 196-220

Kang Yan (Chinese延 康, expansion of peace ') 220


Actually, the temple name of the first Han emperor " Tài Zǔ " is (太祖). However, Sima Qian used in his historical work the name Shiji Gao Zǔ. Why was this erroneous name for future generations of the more common.


The genealogy of the Western and Eastern Han Dynasty provide an overview of the relationships between the Emperor.


  • Han Dynasty
  • Overview of the Chinese Regent lists