List of rocket experiments on Zingst

The eastern part of the peninsula Zingst in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern was a closed military zone in GDR times. Various experiments were performed using sounding rockets 1970-1992 Along the former NVA practice course in the Sundische meadows.

At the beginning of the 1970s started here five missiles of the Polish type Meteor 1E. As of October 21, 1988 Soviet missiles MMR06 -M were started here. Since these rockets could fly up to 80 kilometers high and the Seesperrgebiet off the coast of the training area was only 23.6 km deep and 25.5 km wide, had to be set to exactly two degrees through sophisticated methods of firing angle of these missiles to a decline to prevent outside the cordoned-off area.

During the first start of MMR06 -M missiles were not successful because of technical problems, succeeded on 12 April 1989, the first successful ascent with carrying out scientific measurements. Even after the fall of the Berlin Wall on 9 November 1989 and German reunification on 3 October 1990, the missile launches were initially performed. However, been on 19 December 1990, the launch of missiles in Zingst, since you worked out a new method for determining the starting angle for safety reasons. Another 19 Russian missiles MMR06 -M were launched in Zingst Between 14 February 1992, and April 10, 1992. Six of these launches were successful. Although still more missiles were available, had the start of rocket in April 1992 in Zingst be set since the Bundeswehr needed to hedge the restricted area vacated the place.

Start list
