List of spouses or partners of the President of France

The Première lady 's spouse or domestic partner of the incumbent President of the French Republic.

The position of the first lady is not defined anywhere in France. It finds mention in neither political protocols still in the Constitution of the Fifth Republic. Officially, she has as the wife of President neither special rights nor obligations. However, there are different expectations in the public opinion against the first woman in the state, which is often dubbed as présidente. Over time, various functions that are attributed to a first lady revealed. They usually act as hosts for officials, official guests, etc., and are involved in a rule in the social field.


The term first lady likely stems from the media and is arbitrarily arisen in relation to the wife of President Vincent Auriol ( President from 1947 to 1954 during the Fourth Republic ): Michelle Auriol.

The influence of a first lady to her husband 's very hard verifiable. Allegedly used Mesdames Loubet and Lebrun her room to move her husband to give up the highest office in the state and not to seek re-election. Germaine Deschanel, who had never cared about the political affairs of her husband, forged his signature and temporarily settled the activities in the Elysee Palace alone, as Paul Deschanel (1855-1922) mental condition deteriorated rapidly. Élisabeth de Mac Mahon let her relieve unpleasant ministers or officials from their posts.

The differing views of the role of a first lady so vary and are dependent on the personality of each woman. Apart from the fact that the respective first lady will host and social activist, has also asserted that it represents the French fashion world that it is present on certain occasions and will accompany her husband on state visits abroad. She's a role model.
