List of tree deities

As tree spirits spirits of nature are referred to in many cultures whose existence is linked to individual trees. The motif of the Tree-Spirit is also referred to in many folk tales and topos in the literature.


The properties that are attributed to tree spirits from culture to culture different. Often, however, is the notion exists that the trees and plants are animated by the tree spirits and thus move closer to the gods and humans.

Tree spirits are described as sedentary creatures. Their existence is related to the of them harbored tree or forest. Notes on the resettlement of tree spirits can be found in the literature hardly.

Tree spirits in some cultures

In Greek mythology, the dryads or Hamadryads be described as tree spirits and are there to the nymphs. However, not only in this culture, these phenomena are recognized. Associated with individual channels inner life goddesses are also known in the Egyptian mythology under the name Hathor sycamore.

Tree spirits in Norse mythology

Especially in Norse mythology the belief in nature spirits such as the tree-spirit is inseparable from belief in a soul. The soul dwells in all things. In the wind and the clouds, the rustling of the leaves of the trees, the waves of grain fields, people could recognize the animate. The tree spirit it takes many forms.

The tree spirit as protective and house spirit

In the Nordic faith of the tree spirit dwelt among the Bosträd ( tree dwelling), the Vårdträd (protection tree from which the happiness of the family depends ) and the Tunträd ( Hofbaum ). There were sacred trees that were planted in the vicinity of the court and under which spoken prayers or offerings were given in the form of milk or beer. They were also called Tomteträd ( house spirits trees). In them, sometimes among them the Tomtegubbe ( from the Old Homesteads, plural " Tomtegubbar " ) lived. The Tomtegubbe was considered the Nisse of the court, the most faithful and most important protective spirit of the farmer.

The tree spirit in the woods

The tree spirits of the forests are closely linked in Norse mythology with the forest spirits. In Sweden, living in the tree spirits were called elves. Mannigfaltig was her appearance, she was seen as owls or as little wretches who were dancing like puppets on the branches of the trees. They brought ulcers and disease. But the souls of the dead passed into the tree. Under the bark was the meat and when the ax injured a tribe, he was bleeding. By folk etymology from the elves was a woman Ellerfrau who lives in Ellerbaume. In Sweden, the leaves woman lives. However, not all tree spirits are regarded as feminine beings. That's the name of the man who lives in the forest tree Skouman, Skougman, Skogman or Hulte. However, the forest woman's name is Skogsfru, Skogsnufa (which im Walde Snorting? Solitude seekers? ) Skogsrå ( in the forest Walt end ).

Prohibition of tree worship after the Christianization

Even in the time of Charlemagne it was forbidden to sacrifice votive offerings to trees, as well as cultic meals to organize in connection with the worship of trees, or the worship of demons that live in trees and sources. This is already stated in the Capitulatio de partibus Saxione. But even in Trier in 1227 criticized the provincial synod, that one should not worship trees and springs.

Tree spirits in fables and literature

A familiar example is the tree spirits Ents in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.
