Litigation public relations

Litigation PR (Eng. " Public Relations in the litigation ," even strategic legal communications or process-related public relations) is a form of public relations, in which the external communication before, during and after controlled legal battles. The litigation PR goal is to support the legal strategy of the lawyers involved to influence the outcome of the legal dispute with the help of the public, while avoiding damage to the reputation of the client. It is related to reputation management and crisis PR.

Origin and History

Litigation PR has its origins in the United States, where in the 1980s the knowledge prevailed that the conventional means and tools of public relations in legal battles miss their targets. Instead, a specialized form of public relations has been developed. While litigation PR is mainly used in Anglo-Saxon countries such as USA, UK and Australia in legal battles regularly used, it was introduced in continental Europe, particularly in German-speaking countries until 2001 .. The cases Josef Ackermann, Klaus Zumwinkel, Leo Kirch, Jörg Kachelmanns, Gerhard Cornelius Gurlitt Gribkowskys and also led in Germany to an " economic " media clashes with attempted influence on the course of the process through professional public relations. Of particular importance are increasingly gaining the online communication and discussion in social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. but also the use of visual instruments by the professionalized visual legal communication.


When a person or a company is involved in legal disputes, then the reputation inflict massive damage. Legal proceedings can have a major impact on the business processes and developments and affect employee motivation. Even if a process is obtained in court, he may be "lost" in public. Just listed companies can seriously suffer a defeat in the court of the public. The litigation PR is to make this into a remedy.
