Live Free or Die

"Live Free or Die " ( German: " Live free or die" ) is since 1945 the official motto of the U.S. state of New Hampshire. It is the most well-known motto of the U.S. state, partly because of the historical roots of the idea of ​​freedom and independence in the United States, partly because of the significant word choice compared to the otherwise rather moderate motto of the states.

Author of the formulation was General John Stark, the most famous soldiers of New Hampshire during the American War of Independence. Since he no longer was able to attend a commemoration ceremony for the Battle of Bennington due to illness and his age of 81, he sent on July 31, 1809 a letter to his comrades, which closed with the words: " Live free or die. Death is not the worst of evils. "

Similar mottos

One possible source of this motto is the famous Patrick Henry's speech of 23 March 1775, the House of the Government of Virginia. It contains the phrase: " Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others take june; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death " ( German :" Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to buy them at the price of chains and slavery Preserve, Almighty God I do not know! what price others want to pay, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! ")

During the siege of Barcelona ( 1713), the defenders of Barcelona used black flags and the Catalan motto " Viurem lliures o morirem " ( German: " Live free or die" ), is the motto of the Catalan autonomy movement today.

Other Uses


On January 1, 1804 Jean -Jacques Dessalines proclaimed the independence and freedom of the former French slave colony of Saint -Domingue, today's Haiti. He should, as he tore the white part of a French tricolor, have called " Vivre libre ou mourir! " Which corresponds to " Live free or die".

The phrase " Vivre Libre ou Mourir " ( " Live free or die" ) was also used in the French Revolution. It was the subtitle of the magazine, which was written by Camille Desmoulins in winter 1793-94 and the title of Le Vieux Cordelier wore.

In pop culture

  • The first episode of the fifth season of Breaking Bad, entitled "Live Free or Die ".
  • The original English title of the sixth episode of the sixth season of the television series The Sopranos is " Live Free or Die ".
  • The theme of apathetic planet "Neutral", which appears several times in the television series Futurama, is " Live free or do not ."
  • The original English title of Die Hard 4.0 is " Live Free or Die Hard ".