Löbenicht Realgymnasium

The Löbenichtsche Grammar School was a grammar school in Königsberg district Löbenicht. After Altstädtischer high school and the high school Kneiphof it was the third oldest in East Prussia provincial capital.


The school is mentioned in 1441 as Löbenichsche city parish school documentary. Since 1525 Latin School in 1581, the Institute was greatly enlarged, until it received in 1644 a new building. In the fire of Löbenicht crashed in 1764, the burning church tower on the school building, then this also went up in flames and in turn had to be rebuilt.

1811, previously located in school church property was acquired by the city. 1855-1859 was a new building in the Tudor style as Urban Secondary School at Munich courtyard. The school was in 1865 and 1882 secondary school secondary school. In 1895, a gymnasium and from 1911 to 1914 a large extension. Emil Doerstling, a teacher of the school, painted the frescoes in the hall.


  • Emil Doerstling (1859-1940), art
  • John Gerschmann (1858-1928), English and French
  • Krosta Friedrich (1839-1914), philologist
  • Frederick David Michaelis (1813-1892), English and French


  • Johann Funk (1792-1867), pastor at St. Mary's of Lübeck
  • Friedrich Lahr (1880-1964), architect and art historian
  • Herbert Ebel (1885-1963), jurist and Bergrechtler


Back on the Pregel, Löbenichtsche Church and Priory

Facade change, 3rd floor as a mansard roof, extension 1914
