Lobi language

Spoken in

Niger - Congo

  • Atlantic - Congo Volta - Congo Gur Southern Gur Lobi Dyan


The Lobiri (also called Lobi and Miwa ) is a Gursprache, which is spoken in Burkina Faso by 286,000 people and the Ivory Coast of 156,000 people.

Lobiri is the language of the Lobi ethnic group and by the Commission of the Lobiri ( Commission du lobiri ) regulated.


For transcribing the Lobiri the Latin alphabet.

In Burkina Faso, the font of the Sub-Commission of the Lobiri of the National Institute for Literacy of Burkina Faso ( Institut national d' alphabétisation du Burkina Faso) is reglrmentiert. The letter " 'w " was replaced by " ⱳ " in recent revisions of Lobiri - spelling. The glottal stop is transcribed by the apostrophe. The Nasalization is indicated by a tilde over the vowels, long vowels are indicated by doubling the vowel.

In Ivory Coast, the rules of the practical orthography of the Ivorian languages ​​( Orthographe pratique des langues ivoiriennes ) for the transcription of the Lobiri used.
