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A Longdog is a hybrid dog that is the result of a mating of two or more greyhound races. Thus, it is not a breed of dog in the true sense, but a crossbreeding of hybrid breeding. The Longdog must be distinguished from the Lurcher which is a cross between a greyhound and another breed of dog.


Since a Longdog can be grown from all greyhound races, its size, its weight and its coat are highly variable. However, Allen Long Dogs together the wind- dog -like body, long legs, deep chest, well hoisted belly, long neck and strong muscling.


Long Dogs were originally bred for coursing hares by sight and partly also on larger animals ( wolves, deer, coyotes ) - an example is the American Staghound. In Central Europe they are mainly used in coursing, since hunting is banned on sight in most countries. Long Dogs are usually pleasant family dogs, however, have a strong hunting instinct.
