Lope de Barrientos

Lope de Barrientos (* 1382 in Medina del Campo, Spain, † 1469 in Cuenca, Spain ) was a cleric at the time of the Castilian crown. Among other things, he served as professor of theology at the University of Salamanca, as bishop of Segovia and Avila, as well as Inquisitor.

Difficult to assess is his relationship with Álvaro de Luna, favorite of John the II of Castile, he took his succession as rulers of Castile for the duration of about one year until the death of Johann II.

The origin after de Barrientos was the son of a servant at the court of Ferdinand I of Aragon.

Works (selection)

  • Clavis Sapientiae - his earliest surviving work, a theological- philosophical encyclopedia about that time;
  • Opusculum super intellectu quorumdam verborum cuiusdam decree contenti in volumine decretorum, ubi Gratianus, tractans de materia sacrilegii, XVII, q. III, ait: sacrilegii quoque reatum incurrit, qui officia iudaeis publication committit - a discussion about social conflicts that were caused by the Jews Barrientos loud;
  • Tratado de caso e fortuna - following the scholastic doctrine and with clear references to Aristotle
  • Tractado de la divinança - Treatise of Divinity