

Loryma was an ancient city on the Carian Chersonese. It was founded in the 7th century BC by Rhodes.

The ruins of the city Loryma are at the end of a 1.8 long bay on the southern tip of the Bozburun Peninsula and Loryma peninsula on the Turkish mainland, within sight of the Greek island and city of Rhodes. The ancient city has been, never overbuilt with the exception of a small area. In research could so thanks to their relatively good state of preservation, the " map " without archaeological excavations are almost completely covered.

In addition to the ruins of the city can be found in the surrounding tracks of several sanctuaries, a necropolis, as well as numerous farmsteads.

The entrance to the Loryma Bay is dominated by a powerful, well- Rhodian fortress. It has a length of about 330 meters and a width of about 36 meters. The walls have all around still a height of up to eight meters in the lake and almost two meters to go landside. The walls are grouted firmly and consistently and is still in an almost pristine condition. 1995 to 2002 the ruins were examined by the German archaeologist Winfried hero.

The next ancient settlement is located on the Asar Dağ, about 1.5 km as the crow.

Loryma is also titular of the Catholic Church.
