Łosice County

The powiat Łosicki is a county in the Polish province of Mazovia. The county has an area of ​​771.77 km ² in which 33 201 inhabitants. The population density is 43 inhabitants per 1 km ² ( 2004).


The powiat includes six municipalities, one city and rural municipality and five rural communities.

Urban and rural community

  • Łosice

Rural community

  • Huszlew
  • Olszanka
  • Platerow
  • Sarnaki
  • Stara Kornica


  • Łosice


Independent Cities: Ostrołęka | Plock | Radom | Siedlce | Warsaw

Counties: Białobrzegi | Ciechanów | Garwolin | Gostynin | Grodzisk | Grójec | Kozienice | Legionowo | Lipsko | Łosice | Maków | Mińsk | Mława | Nowy Dwór | Ostrołęka | Ostrow | Otwock | Piaseczno | Plock | Płońsk | Pruszków | Przasnysz | Przysucha | Pultusk | Radom | Siedlce | Sierpc | Sochaczew | Sokołów | Szydłowiec | Warsaw West | Wegrów | Wołomin | Wyszków | Zwoleń | Żuromin | Żyrardów

  • Polish powiat
  • Powiat in the Masovian Voivodeship
  • Powiat Łosicki