Lost Kingdoms

Lost Kingdoms (Eng. Lost Kingdoms ) is a two-piece Japanese role-playing game series by From Software, which appeared in 2002 and 2003 for the Nintendo GameCube. The games were distributed by Activision in North America and Europe. The name used in Japan for the games was rune.

The game is the first role-playing game for the Nintendo GameCube. The peculiarity lies in the combat system that runs in real time using 105 trading cards of various genres. One has the choice between the English and French language edition.


The fictional world Arbnull is exposed to a dark fog, lost in man. The protagonist, Princess Katia is to summon the only one capable of monsters and sets off with a pack of playing cards, save the world.


Playing in the continent Arbnull is to explore the basis of individual points on the map. Task is to find the rune stones.

As in role-playing games usual, the player against monsters must take. These battles take place in real time on Lost Kingdoms. During the fighting, the player must use game cards with different characteristics in order to defeat the monster. In this case objects can be destroyed in the environment to get to hidden playing cards or Energieaufrischungen.

Two -player mode

As long as a second Nintendo Gamecube controller connected to the Gamecube, it is possible in the fight against each other. First put both players one card deck together or choose an existing. After that, the rules are set. A battle arena is still selected Lastly, and the battle begins. There are two paths leading to the victory:

If you want, you can also specify up to three cards wagered. Victories or defeats in 2 player mode does not affect the story mode data. Only on the rank of the stands at the selection screen for a game file. Similarly, the ranking is influenced by the number of cards that you have. The worst rank is princess of the best masters. Furthermore, the rank does not affect the gameplay.

The game principle is essentially that of the first part.

100 years after the plot of the first game being a thief named Tara on finding the runes, because the owner of this incredible magical powers to lend.

One can choose between English, French and German language edition.

