Louis-Nicolas Bescherelle

Louis -Nicolas Bescherelle ( born June 10, 1802 in Paris, † 1883 ) was a French grammarian, lexicographer and linguist.

Life and work

The beginnings

Bescherelle studied law, was in 1825 an archivist in the Archives of the State Council in 1828 and librarian in the library of the Louvre. Still under Charles X in 1829, he published a grammatical little work on the Participe passé as well as a critique of existing grammars. After the revolution of 1830, he was appointed grammarians and lexicographers of the emerging patriotic bourgeoisie, the correctness of his speech was not sure and asked for comprehensive normative information.

The grammar

Bescherelle first published a "national" grammar with the following analytical Title: Grammaire Nationale ou Grammaire de Voltaire, Racine, de Bossuet, Fénelon de, de J.-J. Rousseau, de Buffon, Bernardin de Saint -Pierre de Chateaubriand, de Casimir Delavigne, et de tous les écrivains les plus distingués de la France; Renfermant plus de cent mille exemples qui servent à fonder les règles, et Forment comme une espèce de notre langue panorama où se déroule, adjusting que la nation l'a faite, adjusting que la nation la doit parler. Ouvrage éminemment classique, qui, indépendamment de son but spécial, doit être considere comme un Cours pratique de littérature française, à toutes les et une introduction branches of connaissances humaines; publié avec le concours de MM Casimir Delavigne, de Jouy, Ville Main, Tissot, Nodier, de Gérando, É. Johanneau, Deshoulières, Lévi, Litais de Gaux [ ... ] Et précédée d'un Essai sur la Grammaire en France et de quelques Considérations philosophiques et sur ​​la langue française par littéraires M. Chasles Philarète, Paris, Leipzig [ there in the publishing Leopold Michelsen ] in 1834.

He added a band with exercises and in 1838 a school grammar added and made under the title " The grammatical France " an attempt at a grammar newspaper: La France grammaticale, Journal des écoles primaires, the collège, the pensions, the gens du monde et de l'instruction publique en général.

The peculiarity of Bescherelles national grammar lay in the large number of the recognized classics as authorities removed examples. Here was the bourgeois entrepreneurship inadequately educated security against their own linguistic inferiority complex. The grammar was published until 1877 in 15 editions.

The Konjugationsbuch

Was even more successful together with his younger brother Henri- Honoré Bescherelle (1804-1887), edited 1842ff Konjugationsbuch with the changing titles of Le véritable manuel conjugaisons ou Les conjugaisons mises à la portée de tout le monde and Le dictionnaire de tous les usul improve français tant réguliers qu'irréguliers, entièrement conjugués, contenant, par ordre alphabétique, les de la langue française 7000 improved avec leur conjugaison complète ( 3rd edition 1852, 6th edition 1877, 19th edition 1926, 22nd edition 1946). This book early merged with a competitor, the Dictionnaire de tous les synoptique improve de la langue française tant réguliers qu'irréguliers, entièrement conjugués of E. Verlac ( also 1843), to the Litais de Gaux wrote an extensive theoretical introduction, after he as he explains in the preface, had waived this type having regard to the work of the Verlac started their own company in 1840.

The merger of the still existing type of book which is laid under the title had become a generic name " Bescherelle " and who is in France for the institution came into being. He believes in a core Verbwörterbuch and / or a lexicographic Verbgrammatik that there are now not only for the French, but also for a number of foreign languages. So, for example, has the German scholar Michel Esterle knowledge Thèse de doctorat from his about the German verb particles in the Bescherelle anglais. Les improved or improved allemands 8000: formes et emplois (Paris: Hatier, last edition 2008 ) introduced and presented a remarkable combination of linguistic and scientific and practical didactic description.

The dictionary

1846 published Bescherelle than lexikografisches counterpart to its national Grammar, the National Dictionary: Dictionnaire Universel National ou Dictionnaire de la langue française in 2 volumes. This on the combination of word wealth (130 000 words ) and normative correctness aligned dictionary experienced 18 to 1890 editions. The derived school dictionary Dictionnaire classique et élémentaire de la langue française, which appeared in 1844, was launched in the edited by Joseph -Antoine Pons version until 1892.
