Ludolf König

Ludolf King of Wattzau (* 1280-1290; † 1347 or 1348 ) was from 1342 to 1345 the 20th Grand Master of the Teutonic Order. He came from a Saxon noble family.


Ludolf King of Wattzau, also written as Weizau was 1331-1338 top Tressler (Financial Master ) of the Teutonic Order. In 1338 he became Grand Commander and tapped on a large scale, the region of Marienburg. In January 1342 the Order Chapter elected him Grand Master.

After persistent efforts of religious diplomacy to secure a peaceful settlement with Poland, with the support of the Popes John XXII. and Clement VI. and the bishops of Cracow, Meissen and Kulm, took place on July 8, 1343 the signing of the Treaty of Kalisch with the Polish Kingdom.

How many Grand Master before him, he led an expedition against the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Retaliation by the Lithuanians in 1345 caused great damage in Prussia and rushed Ludolf king. According to some religious chronicles, in a mental illness He resigned as Grand Master and was commander of Castel Sant'Angelo. According to the chronicles, he recovered from his depression, but died in 1347 or in 1348.

Was buried Ludolf King of Wattzau originally in the St. Anne Chapel of Marienburg. In May 2007, archaeologists discovered in a crypt under the chancel of the cathedral in Marienwerderstraße (former West Prussia ) Wattzaus coffin. Together with his final resting place the mortal remains of two other Grand Masters were found, namely by Werner von Orseln and Heinrich von Plauen the Elder.

After dendrochronlogischen investigations of the wood used for coffins as well as DNA analysis of bones is fixed to 96 %, that it is to such persons.
