Luigi Pichler

Luigi Pichler ( born January 31, 1773 in Rome, † March 13, 1854 ) was a German - Italian gem engraver.

Luigi Pichler was the son of Anton Pichler and half-brother and pupil of Giovanni Pichler. He obtained after training with his 39 years old brother soon great reputation, visited Vienna, where he was in 1818 appointed as professor of Graveurkunst, and where he replicated the most precious gems of the Imperial Antique Cabinet as a gift for the Pope in glass pastes on behalf of the Emperor Franz. His many works (almost exclusively intaglios ) are close to those of his brother. In 1850 he returned to Rome, where he died in 1854.

Even Johann Joseph ( Giuseppe ) Pichler, step-brother of Giovanni and Luigi Pichler, born around 1760 in Rome, was a gem cutter.
