Lütte Bermecke


Template: Infobox River / BILD_fehlt

The Lütte Bermecke is a 1.6 km long, orographic right tributary of the Bermecke in North Rhine-Westphalia Warstein, Germany.


The creek originates on the northern flank of the Brandberg at an altitude of 465 m above sea level. NN. In predominantly northerly flowing down it opens after a 1.6-kilometer road on the right side in the Bermecke. With a height difference of 92 meters between the source and mouth of the average bed slope is 57.5 ‰. The about 1.92 km ² large catchment area is drained by Bermecke, Lottmannshardbach, Heve, Möhne, Ruhr and Rhine to the North Sea.

In the waters of the lower reaches of the stationing NRW Luetten Bermecke is imputed against the German base map of Heve. The 412 -meter-long section between the stationing km 20.041 and 20.453 of the Heve is thus attributable to the Luetten Bermecke. Adding this section with the length of 1.188 kilometers for water code 2762612 the result is a length of 1.6 km.
