Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz

The Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz is a boarding school in Zuoz in the Upper Engadine. It is located in the upper part of the village in the district Surmulins.

Organization and History

The school leading to international degrees of higher education. Offered are the Swiss Matura, the German Abitur and the International, held exclusively in English International Baccalaureate.

The school was founded in 1904 by Engadinern as altitude Institute for ailing boy whose parents stayed in St. Moritz during the holidays, so they missed no curriculum. Pretty soon it developed into a full-fledged high school, which came to international fame. The school is currently training (as of 2010) 220 boarders and 110 external from the region. She is renowned by its internationality; the students come from more than twenty nations.


Since 2006, there is a student theater, Shakespeare Company, einübt the pieces of the British playwright and lists. In December 2011, the first theater in the Engadin house was opened with the Zuoz Globe.


Well-known graduates are among others Hans Adam II ( Liechtenstein ), Götz George, Ferdinand Piëch, Thomas Gold, André Gorz, Karlheinz Böhm and John Rapp.
