Lyceum (disambiguation)

The term lyceum, also Lyceum (Greek λύκειο Lyceum, lyceum Latin ) was the name of a place of learning in ancient Athens and referred

  • Lyceum, in ancient times a sacred grove to Apollo Lykeios addition to the gymnasium at Athens
  • Lyceum ( college), facility in Bavaria for the Catholic theological and philosophical studies with academic rank, later philosophical- theological college
  • High school
  • Girls' high school, a high school where only girls are allowed
  • A kind Progymnasium earlier in Württemberg
  • Higher Girls 'School, also Girls' High School, one resulting in the 19th century school for girls, in Prussia since 1912
  • Latin and schools of learning, earlier, especially in southern Germany
  • Chance for school forms next to the high school outside Germany


  • Lyceum Village, a Christian- socialist commune 1828-1844, today Berea (Ohio )

See also:

  • Lykaion

A sacred mountain in Arcadia in the Peloponnese

  • Disambiguation