Lygia Fagundes Telles

Lygia Fagundes Telles ( born April 19, 1923 in São Paulo, SP) is a Brazilian writer.


Fagundes Telles (real name: Lygia Fagundes de Azevedo ) is the daughter of the lawyer Durval Fagundes de Azevedo and his wife Maria do Rosario, a pianist.

Between 1940 and 1945 studied Fagundes Telles law and could also complete this study successfully. Because it but as a woman did not have any opportunities to work as a lawyer, she earned her living as a journalist.

In 1954 she published her first novel Ciranda de Pedra. In 1955 she took an extended trip to and through France and Italy. In 1960, she traveled extensively also the USSR and the PRC. In her most famous novel, As Meninas (1973 ), the author tells the story of three young women in the 1970s under the military dictatorship. In 1976, she signed together with other manifesto against the dictatorship ( Manifesto dos mil).

Lygia Fagundes Telles are a politically engaged writer and voice of the Third World. Since 1982 she is a member of the Academia Paulista de Letras ( seat 28 ). In addition to Ana Maria Machado Fagundes Telles and Zélia Gattai was recorded in 1985 as a third woman ever of the Academia Brasileira de Letras ( seat 16 ) as a member, in 1987 was admitted to the Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, the Portuguese Academy of Sciences. Her works have been translated into numerous languages.

Awards and Honors

Works (selection)

  • As meninas, 1970, Reprint Ed. Nova fronteira, Rio de Janeiro 1985 German: girl on blue window. Novel, translated by Gudrun hollow, publishing folk & world, Berlin 1984.
  • German: The structure of the bubble. Uncanny Tales, translated by Alfred Opitz, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt / M. 1983, ISBN 3-518-37432- X ( Fantastic Library; 105).
  • German: Nude hours. Novel, translated by Mechthild Blumberg, Rütten & Loening, Berlin 1994, ISBN 3-352-00482- X.

The narrative contained therein Papoulas em feltre negro.

  • German: poppies on black felt, translated by Guy heel, in the anthology poppies on black felt. Authors from four continents, Regina Keil and Tobias jumper (ed.), Union Verlag, Zurich 1998, ISBN 3-293-20108-3.