Lysimachia thyrsiflora

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Straußblütiger Loosestrife ( Lysimachia thyrsiflora )

The Straußblütige Loosestrife ( Lysimachia thyrsiflora ) is a species of the genus loosestrife ( Lysimachia ) in the subfamily Myrsinengewächse ( Myrsinoideae ) within the family of Primrose ( Primulaceae ).


The Straußblütige loosestrife is an erect and unbranched growing, perennial herbaceous plant that is 25 to 70 cm high. The leaves sit decussate at the often crowded reddish stems. The leaves are narrow - lanceolate, slightly wavy at the edge, to 8 cm long and 1.5 cm wide. Towards the top, increasing the size of the leaves; at the base of the stem only small scale leaves are usually present.

The flowers sit in the middle part of the stem in dense, axillary, about two inches long, stalked racemose inflorescences. The per flower ( 5) 6-7, yellow petals are narrowly lanceolate, 3-6 mm long, shorter than the stamens. The corolla has linealische tip. This show towards the tip dark red or black glandular dots. Bloom time is from May to July.

The chromosome number is n = 20 by Carpenters (1950 ) and 2n = 42 Heubl (1989).


The flowers are " pollen - disk flowers " with heras projecting anthers. Important pollinators are hoverflies. By Herabkrümmen the stamens to the stigma of the neighboring flowering occurs neighbor pollination. Bloom time is from May to July.

The type is a wind - and animal shakers. The seeds have a swimming epidermal tissue that causes their swim propagation.

The Straußblütige loosestrife growing on the shores of standing and slowly flowing waters, in swamps and bogs, breakage and riparian forests.


The species is widespread circumpolar in the southern part of the temperate climate zone and boreal ( Eurasia, North America ). In northern and central Europe it occurs in the Mediterranean countries it is missing. In Germany it is steady circulated only in the North German lowlands and moderately frequent, otherwise rare. For example, applies them in North Rhine -Westphalia as endangered.


  • Gunter Steinbach (eds.): Wild Flowers ( Steinbach nature guide ). Mosaik Verlag GmbH, Munich 1996.
  • R. Duell / H. Kutzelnigg: Pocket Dictionary of Plants in Germany and neighboring countries, 7th Edition, Quelle & Meyer Verlag, 2011, ISBN 978-3-494-01424-1