
33.01666666666735.270833333333Koordinaten: 33 ° 1 ' N, 35 ° 16' O

Ma'alot- Tarshiha (Hebrew, מעלות תרשיחא, Arabic معالوت ترشیحا, DMG Ma ʿ alut ) is a city in the North District of Israel, about 20 kilometers east of Nahariya. The village was founded after the establishment of Israel and had the status of a developing city.

Due to the unfavorable situation in the Upper Galilee mountains and proximity to Nahariya, Ma'alot be created very slowly and counted up to the mid-80s of the 20th century fewer than 10,000 inhabitants. Major impetus received Ma'alot only through the establishment of an industrial park ( " Tefen " ) and the Tefen sculpture garden. (As of 31 December 2006) Meanwhile, the city has grown to 21,200 inhabitants.

With the German cities of Augsburg and Falkirk is a youth exchange.

See also: Ma'alot massacre
