
MacWrite had the graphical word processing program, which was delivered in 1984 along with the first Apple Macintosh. MacWrite and the drawing program MacPaint, which was also delivered with the first Macs, the first programs the WYSIWYG on Macintosh and personal computers were ever helped to widespread use.


There were only character-based text programs that used a limited ASCII character set that was used for both the screen display as well as for the pressure before MacWrite. The formatting was performed on different key combinations for which you often need more fingers at the same time, and yet the printed image was visible only after the expression on the paper and then often had to be corrected. An example of this type of text processing, the then prevalent WordStar.

With MacWrite first time many end users were able to edit their texts with the new concepts and techniques that are common yet little changed today. The menu on the left top of the screen, the scroll bars, rulers, reservoir for normal and for decimal tabulator stops that could push the mouse to the desired location, etc.. In the main menu there was not only storage, processing and retrieval but also format font and style for different rulers, paragraph formats, character sets - contain time standard were New York, Geneva, Toronto, Monaco, Chicago, Venice, London and Athens respectively 8, 12, 14, 18, 24 points - and default print, bold, italic, Underline, outline and Shaded.
