Madagascan fruit bat

Eidolon dupreanum is a flying fox, which is endemic to Madagascar.

The dimensions given in Walker's Mammals of the World are believed to date from a palm fruit bat ( Eidolon helvum ), the other species in the genus Eidolon, but for Eidolon dupreanum should the values ​​be similar. Then the head -body length is 14 to 22 cm, tail length from 4 to 20 mm and the wingspan about 76 cm. The weight varies 230-350 grams, with males being slightly heavier than females.

The distribution area extends over almost the entire island except for a strip on the east coast. This flight dog holds in different habitats, but in search of food, he chooses the most pristine forests. As a food are mainly fruits, supplemented with leaves, flowers and other plant parts. A 2004 study (published 2007) found about 30 different plant species in the diet of this flying fox. Leaves are mainly eaten by species of the genus Polyscias, which are among the Araliengewächsen. The resting places of the groups are in caves and crevices and hidden in the dense foliage. Group sizes are smaller than in the dupreanum Palm Fruit Bat Eidolon at. These bats carry pollen and are thus probably important for the spread of the respective plants.

Eidolon dupreanum is hunted for its meat. By law, these hunting may only take place between May and August but in the other months poaching is widespread. On habitat changes such as the usual slash and burn in Madagascar and reforestation, however, the type is less sensitive. It is therefore listed by the IUCN as endangered ( vulnerable ).
