
Short salmon eel ( Magnisudis atlantica)

Magnisudis is a genus of fish belonging to the order Eidechsenfisch relatives ( Aulopiformes ) that is found in all oceans.


Magnisudis species reach a length of about 55 cm. They have an elongated, strong body and a short, broad head. Her eyes are large. The maxillary teeth are tiny. In contrast to the ( remaining ) Barrakudina types of the vomer at Magnisudis is dentate. The gill rakers are formed as flat bases with four long filaments. This feature divides Magnisudis with Alepisaurus and is not found in the Barrakudinas (see scheme ). The gill rakers of the first gill arch extend on both sides of the tongue along into the front foot section. The tongue tip is located far forward, close to the mandibular symphysis. The lateral line is covered by a single row of large round scales, each having a mean pore. The rest of the body is covered with very small round scales that fall off easily. The anal fin has compared to the Barrakudinas little fin rays.


Magnisudis is usually provided in the family of Barrakudinas ( Paralepididae ). The American ichthyologist Matthew P. Davis classified based on morphological and DNA comparisons Magnisudis as a sister genus of Anotopterus the Alepisauridae, the sister group of the Barrakudinas to.


  • Magnisudis atlantica ( Krøyer, 1868).
  • Magnisudis indica ( Ege, 1953).
  • Magnisudis prionosa ( Rofen, 1963).