Maihuenia poeppigii

Maihuenia poeppigii in flower at the botanical garden Dresden

Maihuenia poeppigii is a flowering plant in the genus Maihuenia from the cactus family ( Cactaceae ). Spanish common names are " Chupa Sangre ", " Espina Blanca ", " Espina del Huanaco ", " Hierba del Guanaco " and " Maihuén ".


Maihuenia poeppigii forms cushions up to 10 cm high and 2 meters wide. The fleshy taproot is 40 to 80 inches long. The club-shaped knobs are segmented and branch near their peak. They are 2-6 cm long and have diameters of 0.8 to 2 centimeters. Knopfige, spur -like short shoots are not available. The numerous green pointed leaves are linear, straight to slightly curved, 2-10 mm long and 1-2 mm thick. The single, rigid central spine is circular flattened in cross-section up at the top and 1 to 2.5 inches long. The two inconspicuous spines (rarely only one or entirely absent ) are often on the drive surface and are up to 6 mm long.

The terminal flowers are sulfur yellow. The obovate to clavate fruits are 5-6 inches long.

Systematics and distribution

Maihuenia poeppigii is widespread in southern Chile and southwestern Argentina at altitudes up to 2200 meters. The first description as Opuntia poeppigii was published in 1837 by Ludwig Georg Karl Pfeiffer. Karl Moritz Schumann presented in 1898 in the genus Maihuenia.

