
Maildir is a directory structure for storing e -mails.

In contrast to the file mbox Maildir concept extends the concept of MH folders still three mandatory folders that are automatically run through.

On this clear separation establishes the particular reliability of Maildir. It was developed by Dan Bernstein and realized for the first time with his Mail Transfer Agent qmail.

Maildir spared, unlike other storage concepts, any locks, so that competing processes to comply with any order. This is achieved not only by separate folder, but also by generating unique file name similar to a fingerprint. The minimum requirement is the concatenation of the time, process ID and host name, each separated by a period. Recommended is the complement of the Process ID for random numbers and the like. When the files reach the folder cur, their names will be expanded by a colon, and various flags that mark their status.

Maildir is an extension of Maildir, which allows additional folders and quotas. It was developed by Sam Varshavchik and realized for the first time with his Courier Mail Server.

The e -mail programs for Maildir include, for example:
