Mambiloid languages

The mambiloiden languages ​​( short Mambiloid ) form a sub- unit of the northern bantoiden languages ​​, a branch of the Benue - Congo languages ​​, which in turn belong to the Niger - Congo.

The 12 mambiloiden languages ​​are spoken by about 250,000 people in eastern Nigeria and western Cameroon. The most important language is the Mambila with 130,000 speakers.

Classification of Mambiloid within the Niger - Congo

  • Niger - Congo > Volta - Congo > Benue - Congo > East Benue - Congo > Bantoid - Cross> Bantoid > North Bantoid > Mambiloid

Classification of mambiloiden Languages ​​by Hedinger 1989

  • Mambiloid Mambila - Konya Mambila (130 thousand speakers, 100 thousand in Nigeria, 30 thousand in Cameroon)
  • Konya: Kwanja ( Konya ) (20 thousand), Twendi (almost †)
  • Kamkam: Kamkam ( Mbongno ) ( 3 thousand ), Mwanip (100) Somyewe (almost †), Ndunda (300-400 )
  • Njerep almost †
  • Ndoola ( Ndoro ) (60 thousand)
  • Suga (10 thousand), Bute (20 thousand), Wawa ( 3 thousand )