Mammalian Genome

Mammalian genomes ( JME ) is a zoological and genetic journal, which is an official journal of the International Society for the study of mammalian genomes, the International Mammalian Genome Society, edited.

The magazine has been published since 1991 with the number 23 in 2012, currently it is published six times a year as double numbers. Is distributed by the magazine through the publisher Springer Science Business Media. In 1998, the journal Mouse Genome was merged with the Mammalian Genome, whereby the editorial board of two journals merged.


The journal focuses on the area of functional genomics research in mammals, focusing on contributions to genomic research in humans, mouse, and other mammalian species. It covers from the areas of experimental, theoretical and technical genomics and genetics. Substantive topics include representations of gene structure and gene expression, mutagenesis and characterization of new mutations, animal models for the study of genetic diseases of man, the creation of genetic maps (mapping), the study of gene function, Bioinformatics in the field of genomic research and novel technologies.

In this article the original research and review articles (Reviews ) are published which were subjected to a peer review.

