Mandan (North Dakota)

Mandan is a city in Morton County, North Dakota in the United States of America. Mandan has. According to the census of 2010 18.331 inhabitants and an area of 26.7 km ² The city was founded in 1879 and in 1881 the county seat of Morton County.


According to the United States Census 2000 16.718 people living in 6647 households and 4553 families in Mandan. The population density is 643 people per km ². The inhabitants are divided as follows: 94.98 % White, 0.20 % African American, 3.02% Native American, 0.33 % Asian, 0.16 % and others 1.30% two or more races.

The nationalities made ​​up as follows: 61.3 % German, 15.4 % Norwegian, 13.1% Russians, 7.9% Irish, 4.2 % English and 2.9 % American.

In 6647 35.7% of households with children live below the age of 18. In 54.1 % of households married couples living.

The average income of a household amounts to $ 38,162, for a family on $ 46,210. The men have an average income of $ 31,653, the women is one of $ 21,400. Around 10 % of the population lives in Mandan below the poverty line.

46.828893 - 100.891138502Koordinaten: 46 ° 50 'N, 100 ° 53 ' W

  • Place in North Dakota
  • County Seat in North Dakota
  • Morton County ( North Dakota)
  • Location in North America