Manding languages

Manding (also Mandingo, Mandingo, Mandekan, Mandé -kan ) is a collective term for a group of dialects in West Africa, which form a continuum. The varieties of Manding can be partially understood as an independent languages.

It belongs to the family of Mande languages ​​within the Niger -Congo Sprachphylums.

Manding is spoken in Mali, Ivory Coast, Gambia and parts of Burkina Faso, Guinea and Senegal of about 7 million people as a native language and another 5-7 million as a second language. It represents an important lingua franca

For Manding include:

  • Bambara
  • Diula
  • Mandinka
  • Maninka

And Others


  • Helmut Glück ( ed.): Metzler Lexikon Sprache. Metzler, Stuttgart and Weimar 1993, ISBN 3-476-00937-8.
  • Herrmann Jungraithmayr and Wilhelm JG Möhlig (ed.): Encyclopedia of African studies. Reimer, Berlin 1983, ISBN 3-496-00146-1.
  • Single language
  • Mande languages