Marcelino Camacho

Marcelino Camacho Abad ( born January 21, 1918 in Osma, Soria Province, † October 29, 2010 in Madrid) was a Spanish resistance fighters against the fascist Franco regime, a communist trade union leader and politician. He was a founder of the Comisiones Obreras ( Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras - CCOO ), most members of the Spanish Federation of Trade Unions, and from 1976 to 1987 its general secretary. From 1977 to 1981 he was a member of the Communist Party of Spain ( Partido Comunista de España - PCE) for Madrid Congreso de los Deputies ( House of Representatives) of the Cortes Generales. In Spain he is a symbolic figure of the left and labor movement of resistance to the Franco regime.


Born in 1918 as the son of unionized railway worker in the central Spanish province of Soria, was Marcelino Camacho from a young age familiar with socialist ideas. In 1935, he initially joined the Unión General de Trabajadores ( UGT), who was also his father, then the Communist Party of Spain ( PCE) at. He was not yet 18 years old when the Franco coup and the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936 changed his life forever.

Camacho fought on the side of the Republican organizations at the central and southern fronts against Franco's troops. After the military victory of the Nationalists, he went into hiding, but was denounced, arrested and sentenced in 1939 to 12 years imprisonment. Three years later, in 1942, he was taken to a prison camp after Gipuzkoa (Guipúzcoa ), then in a detention camp in Penaranda de Bracamonte, Salamanca province. Finally, transported over him in a detention camp in Tangier. ( The International zone of Tangier had been annexed in 1940 by Spain and incorporated into the Spanish protectorate of Morocco ).

1944 succeeded Camacho along with other prisoners to escape to French Morocco. The French colonial officials arrested him. He was granted political asylum and spent it to Oran in Algeria. In the Algerian exile, he joined the Juventudes Social Followings Unificadas ( JSU ). Here he learned to Josefina (born Samper / * 1927 in Fondón, Almería ) know, a young communist who was involved in the rescue of the Spanish refugees and to support the resistance movement in Spain. Marcelino Camacho married Josefina on December 22, 1948 On July 18, 1957 -. According to an amnesty - the couple returned back with his two children in fascist Spain and Camacho took a job as a metal worker in a motor factory in Madrid.

After the death of Franco Camacho was from 1977 to 1987 the leader of the CCOO, the 'Commissions Obrereras, and organized in 1985 the first general strike against the first socialist government of Spain under Felipe González and his pension reform. Camacho was elected twice in the Cortes.

In 2001, Camacho was awarded by the Polytechnic University of Valencia, the honorary doctorate.
