
A mare is a female animal of the horse family ( Equidae) and camels ( Camelidae ). The male counterpart of the mare, the stallion.


In everyday language mare usually referred to a female domestic horse. Previously referred to as female domestic horses mare, now that word has a different meaning.

The cyclic ovarian activity (Rosse, estrus ) of the horse mare occurs seasonally from March to September. The horses can occur year-round in the stable horses, however. It takes about 6 to 8 days and occurs every 3 to 4 weeks, they say it, the mare was in heat. A mare is approximately 336 days pregnant. Most foals are born in spring. A covered mare who did not become pregnant is referred to as Guest.

The mare's milk is particularly sought after in Asia, it is both drunk fresh, fermented as well as for Kumys and kefir or Airag. In Europe, mare's milk, however, is very expensive and rarely have, not least because the mares can hardly mechanically milked.

Mares that belong to a recognized breed, registered in the respective stud book.
